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2022-23 High School 1:1 Chromebook Program

Posted Date: 07/26/2022

2022-23 High School 1:1 Chromebook Program

Celeste ISD is proud to announce the second year for the 1:1 Chromebook initiative for Celeste High school students!  Chromebooks will be issued to high school students during orientation (Aug. 9 - 11-12 grades and Aug. 10 for 9-10 grades).  Each orientation will be from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.  Both student and their families must sign the Chromebook Loan Agreement prior to picking up a Chromebook.  At the time of pick up, information will also be provided about optional insurance for 9-12 and the lease to buy program option for grades 9-10

Click the images below to view the Chromebook Loan Agreement, Lease to Buy and Insurance Options:

Chromebook Guidelines 22-23


Chromebook Insurance