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JH Students Present Biomes of the World

Posted Date: 04/07/2021

JH Students Present Biomes of the World

Seventh grade science students have been learning about biomes of the world.  There are five major types of biomes: aquatic, forest, desert and tundra.  Some of the biomes can be further divided into more specific categories such as freshwater, marine, deciduous, tropical rainforest, grasslands and taiga.  The students were required to research the location, climate, plant and animal life, and fun facts about the biome.  Students worked together to build a diorama of the biome and then present their findings to the class.  “The students were excited to learn about the environmental diversity of the world.  The project kept them engaged and they developed a good understanding of biomes,” CJHS science teacher Krystal Lovell said.  Here are some of the dioramas: 

Tropical Rainforest

Students Present on Biomes of the World


Students Present on Biomes of the World


Students Present on Biomes of the World


Students Present on Biomes of the World


Students Present on Biomes of the World

Deciduous Forest

Students Present on Biomes of the World

Fresh Water

Students Present on Biomes of the World