Posted Date: 01/17/2017
Celeste FFA member, Jaxson Dillard, has been working very hard over the past few weeks to prepare for the 2017 District 4 FFA officer election. Candidates for district office have to follow a three part process. This process includes taking an exam, interviewing before a panel of judges and delivering a speech to FFA members and voting delegates at the District 4 FFA Convention. Jaxson was elected on Thursday, January 12 to serve as the 2017 District 4 Reporter.
Celeste FFA members received their District 4 Spring/Fall 2016 Leadership and Career Development Events and spring 2017 Leadership banners during the convention on January 12, 2017. Celeste FFA received the following banners:
3rd- Sr Creed Speaking
2nd- Sr Chapter Conducting Livestock
1st- Greenhand Chapter Conducting
3rd- Ag Advocacy
1st- Livestock Judging
1st- Wool Judging
1st- Star Greenhand Award
1st- Extemporaneous Speaking
3rd- District 4 Leadership Development Event Sweepstakes Award